Monday, November 27, 2006

This Is How I Felt Today

I'll Call Him 'Mini-Me', originally uploaded by Snappy Tim.

The snow continued all night downtown and continued pretty much all day out at the airport.

Around my place there was a blanket 4 inches thick covering everything, and about 6 inches (and counting) out at the airport and Richmond. It was really pretty, but f$@#ng freezing. Ive never felt so cold in my life and it's going to be worse tomorrow, with low of -8C tonight and a 'high' of -3C. I don't know how the folks in places like Winnipeg cope!

I didn't get to work until after 9 (would normally have been there before 8) as the buses were now chockers with people taking the bus to avoid driving. One good thing about this snow on a work day is that we got to knock off at 2pm.

After getting home, I quickly changed into some warm clothes and went out to get some shots of the snow. Some of my more successful photos are on the Flickr page. I'll be taking the camera in to work tomorrow so hopefully the snow hasn't turned into grey slush by the morning.

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