Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Cozy, originally uploaded by Tim McDonald.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Not much happening lately in 'ol Raincouver. Still bloody raining, though I shouldn't complain as I know you folks back home can't get a drop.

Christmas up here was pretty good. Knocked off early on Friday after the 'surprise' drinks. These weren't the usual drinks in the boardroom that I'd grown accustomed to at CHC Oz; it was a fully-catered affair of wine and assorted nibbles that included among other things spicy meatballs and mini-quiches. Best of all, we were waited on by two waiters and one (very hot) waitress. To top it off, we were given cab charges to get home. Spent the evening in town with Travis and Elizabeth from work. Stumbled home around 1am.

Got an invite for tea from Travis on Saturday night and gladly accepted. Had a roast lamb meal with Travis and Liz, Roar (also from Heli-One, his wife Sammie and Liz's sister. It was a bit of a United Nations there that night only the girls were locals- Travis is American and Roar is Norwegian. The highlight of the night was 1980s Trivial Pursuit and copious amounts of Roar's Norwegian Aquavit (Scandinavian spirit made from potatoes). The story goes that while it's being distilled, the barrels must be put on a boat and cross the equator before being bottled. The back of the bottle's label has the boat's name and the voyage date that the barell was on. It smells sweet, but burns like buggery going down. I guess it keeps them warm. Stumbled home about 2am this time. The walk home was punctuated by stops for slices of pizza along Davie Street (gotta love all-night pizza places). Had sobered up by the time I got home.

Sunday was another crappy, rainy day. Had made plans with Annette to go to the botanic gardens to see the lights, but the rain put the kibosh on that idea and agreed to do it another time. The day didn't get much better. That night, I got a call from Nick to say that Annette and her Mum had been in a car accident. They were both fine, just a bit shaken up and some minor bruises. The (company) car is probably written off though.

Had Christmas lunch with Annette (didn't need to administer first aid Brownie), her Mum and Nick then went out for Christmas dinner with Ashley and Kate Strauss and their kids. Dinner was a buffet at a place called Hart House, a big tudor mansion in a Suburb Called Burnaby. It's a little bit like Ayers House back in Adelaide.

Other than that, just took it easy.

Looking forward to New Year's now.


Anonymous said...

LOL "kibosh"!

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, and how bout putting some photos of these "hot" chicks on here. There's only so many times we can see the outside of your apartment building.. :)

Tim said...

Only losers with blogs do that.

Besides, I'm most likely moving into a new place in February so I'll have an all new building exterior to take photos of.

Luke Byrne said...

Can't wait to see photos of that then timmy (new building exterior)
Sounds like they're looking after you over there - it’s a shame Rach, Spotter, Kel and Mel didn't do better jobs at waitressing when we had functions in the CHC board room....