Saturday, September 23, 2006

Get Your House Burgled 101

For sale sign for my house :(

Oh well, should make the job of getting rid of my furniture easier.

Monday, September 18, 2006

For Sale

Updated 25/9.

I have the following items of furniture for sale:

SOLD - Fridge - Samsung 228L fridge/freezer. Asking price $300.

SOLD - NEC Microwave (approx 25L). Asking price $100.

7 piece dining table. Asking price $300.

Queen size bed suite (including pillow-top mattress and 2 bedside drawers). Asking price $500.

6 burner gas bbq and 9 piece outdoor setting (SOLD). Asking price $250 each.

Plus 2 couches (1 lounge, 1 sofa bed) and assorted books, appliances etc. Let me know if interested.

Will update items as sold.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Gift Wishlist

Don't know what I want for Christmas or my birthday? Worry no more!

Click here to go to my wishlist. As I find things that I want to buy, I'll add these to my wishlist (if I don't buy them immediately that is). All you need to do is click on an item and purchase it as a gift. Just put my address in as the shipping address and the present will go straight to me. Sweet.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Welcome to my blog (boy do I hate that word). Now, first things first: this is NOT going to be one of those wanky blogs that some people ('bloggers' *ugh*) fill with inane drivel and poetry. No, my aim is to use this purely as a means of keeping my friends and family abreast of my time living and working in Canada (Vancouver) over the next 12+ months. I'll also be posting as many photos as possible.

Lastly, there will be NO NUDITY (unlike this effort).

Well, that's about it for a first post. Now I'd like to share a poem I've just written...